Saturday, December 28, 2013


According to the National Association Of REALTORS a very high percentage of all homes on the market will not sell.  The marketing plan is a large part of selling a home in today's market. The knowledge of your REALTOR and their negotiating skills are a large factor in getting your home sold as well.

However, today I attempted to show a property in San Diego County.  A call was placed ahead of time to let the Seller know that I would be showing their property, the seller was excited to have us view their property.  The Seller was asked to have the home in showing condition.  Well, when I arrived (before my clients) the home was dirty, there were cloths on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink, there was a bad pet odor throughout the house and the sellers dog jumped all over me.  I requested that they at least put their dog in the backyard.  It was too late for the seller to clean the house as my clients would be there in a couple of minutes.

When my clients arrived the pet odor alone detoured one of my clients.  My other client still wanted to view the property.  Just a few more steps into the dirty kitchen and my clients mentioned they no longer wanted to continue with viewing the property.  Knowing my clients I knew this would be their reaction.

This prompted me to suggest a daily check list for home sellers to consider when selling a home.

1. Keep dishes washed and put away. Wipe kitchen and bathroom countertops daily. 

2. Vacuum floor and dust daily.

3. Cloths should not be on the floor, but in their places.

4. Remove toys, trash, bikes and clutter from the yard. 

5. Keep the porch and steps free of mail and newspapers. 

6. Prune plants and remove weeds in the yard. 

7. Clean the tub and shower after each use.

8. Make all beds are made daily.

9. Keep the lights on during all showings, even in the day time.

10. Open all drapes and let all window shades up.

11. De-clutter each room as well as the garage. 

12. Keep your home in showing condition.

13. Make sure there are no bad odors.

When selling your home don't make it nice and clean just for pictures.  Home sellers must maintain good housekeeping on a daily bases.  An unkept home could suggest to a buyer that maybe the maintenance on the home has not been kept either. 

There are many reasons a home did/does not sell. To find out why your home did not sell, to find out the value of your home, for a complete checklist on how to prepare your home to sell or for any questions and concerns that you may have, please feel free to call or text me at (619) 368-6382.  E-mail is a great way to contact me also.......

If you are outside of the San Diego County, Orange County or Riverside County areas of California contact me for a REALTOR in your area as I do network with great REALTORS across the United States and abroad.  

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