Saturday, July 24, 2010

Could Shaquille O'Neal end up without a job next season?

I don't know if you guys realize it, but we're pretty close to entering a
new era in the NBA. No, not the superteam era kicked off by the Miami
Heat, though that's happening too. Rather, I'm talking about a Shaquille
O'Neal(notes)-free NBA for the first time since 1993. That's pre-Justin
Bieber being born, people. It's kind of like a big deal.

And while we knew this day would come eventually, no one figured it would
be next season. However, now that the Atlanta Hawks are signing Josh
Powell, The Diesel might end up without a team. From ESPN's Ryan Corazza:

As ESPN's Marc Stein reported earlier this week, the Hawks were the only
team with a "live" interest in Shaq, but with them signing another center
in Powell, it seems unlikely they'd also bring Shaq on board as well.

Bottom line: It's looking like Shaq needs to bite the bullet and drop his
asking price -- as well as his request for healthy playing time -- or he
may not be getting a contract at all for next season.

It's hard to even imagine what an NBA without the league's biggest
goofball would be like, but after scoring just a shade more than 600
points last year it wouldn't be terribly surprising. Shaq's one remaining
skill is being huge, and while he's very good at that, he doesn't have a
lot left to offer. Some post scoring, sure, but that often comes at the
expense of a free-flowing offense. And let's not even consider defense,
since Shaq doesn't.

That being said, odds are that someone will bite the bullet and add
O'Neal. He'd have to agree to come off the bench, but he'd also be great
at that since most backup centers aren't that good. Furthermore, he's
always a good pickup from a marketing standpoint. Everyone knows who he
is, and lots of people like him even if he does steal television show
ideas on the reg.

Of course, if O'Neal ends up unemployed he'll go down as one of the more
successful players in history. He's currently seventh in all-time scoring,
has four championships, an MVP and 15 All-Star appearances. Pretty great
career, even if it could have been exponentially better considering his
size and athleticism.

However, the true tragedy if O'Neal is forced to retire is that he will
not have had the chance to wear every purple jersey in the league. I mean,
he looked so good in his Lakers and Suns uniforms that he should really
have a shot to don the purple and black of the Sacramento Kings. Such a
flattering color.

YAHOO! Spots
By Trey Kerby

Posted via email from CarolLusidiaMorrow's Blog

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