Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Things that make you say Hmmm

Amazing Home Ideas.

I just love, love, love these transparent bathtubs.  Bathtubs are not what they use to be, that’s for sure.  These days, it’s all about luxury and style.  Pictures courtesy of Home tone.  For more styles and ideas visit

Look what this art assistant decided to do with his office.  He turned it into a beach.  Justin installed a wooden box in the middle of his living room, lined the bottom with plastic, and filled it with sand.  Let me know your thoughts about sand in the house.  Make your comments here or email me at


How cool would it be to have an aquarium in the bedroom, or not?  Having an aquarium in the bedroom is not a good idea according to feng shui.  The main elements of an aquarium are water, fish and vegetation.  The constant movement of water weakens the energy you want in the bedroom. The higher the quality of feng shui energy you have in your bedroom the healthier, sensual, calming and nourishing of your own energy.
If you don't practice Feng Shui, having an aquarium in your bedroom could be soothing.  Falling asleep to the sound of flowing water and colorful fish is better then counting sheep, I'd say. 

Here's a few other aquarium ideas............
    Photo Courtesy of

    This one is my favorite.  What's your thought on aquariums in the bedroom?
     Photo Courtesy of

   Courtesy of

   It’s nothing like having the beach like atmosphere in your own back yard. Imagine the possibilities!

    Courtesy of


I can remember catching my children sliding down our stairs case on cardboard, pretending it was a slide.  My, how dangerous that was. Take a look at what you could provide for your fun. Picture courtesy of

The picture below is for the big kid in you!

Courtesy of

How innovative and fun for your cat.  Look at what Jillian Northrup and her husband Jeffrey      
McGrew, (architect) came up with.  How creative and functional for a cat.
Picture courtesy of "Architecture firm Because We Can".

Who would of thought of this space saving ping-pong table-door.  No need to storage it away.  When done just fold it up . Wala it's a door again. Design by Tobias, photo Courtsy of Geek-gadgets

Photo Courtesy of Eyes Popping
    Photo Courtesy of Eyes Popping 
   Tree houses has a new meaning. For the big and not so big kids.

......and this one is for the little princess.  Any little girl would fall in love with this fantasy creation. It's price tag is more than a standard size American made car. Courtesy of
What a dream come true for Pierre Andre Senizergues (PAS), a former World champion and Pro Skater.  He's also the founder of Etnies and the client for this amazing home.  It will be used for skateboarding and everyday living. The prototype of PAS House was presented at La Gaite Lyrique museum in Paris. The home will be built in Malibu, CA

In door outdoor pool a great way to relax when the weather is bad. Photo Courtesy of

You can create a backyard theater in your own backyard.  Pottery Barn suggests sewing two ironed, queen sized sheets together. Insert a top pole between the sheets and hang with rope from a tree. Insert a bottom pole and fasten to the ground somehow (rope and tent stakes is what they suggest). ....and there you go, your very own, homemade projector screen.  Now all you need to do is put together the lighting scheme, some comfortable seating and cozy blankets. This can be a creative setting for a romantic evening.  For more great ideas visit Pottery Barn

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