Wednesday, January 8, 2014

You Can Be a Seller But Think Like a Buyer

Did you ever read or hear of the book "Men are from Mars women are from Venus"? Psychotherapist, Dr. John Gray gives a great delivery of his theory.  I am particularly impressed with the role-playing of male and female interactions.   Gray portrays in his New York Best Seller, proven ways for men and women to improve their communication by acknowledging the differences between their needs and wants. 
Just like with Seller's and Buyer's they each have their own set of needs and wants.  Now, let me draw your attention to my theory and how we can translate Gray's findings between Men and Women and apply them to Seller's and Buyer's.  Although Seller and Buyer may collide, not often but it does happen.  One can't live without the other. The needs of Seller and Buyer are different.  Seller's want the highest possible price for their home and the Buyer's want to offer the lowest possible price.  However, when the financial needs of Seller and Buyer are met effectively through the expert negotiation skills of a REALTOR there is a meeting of the minds, a union is made, and it's called an acceptance.
Sellers act like a Seller but think like a Buyer.  Remember when you purchased your home? That very home you live in right now, the home you take pride of ownership in.  Yes, that's the one.  Visualize your home through the eyes of a prospective Buyer.  Picture yourself when you purchased your home. What were you feeling?  Buyers today are savvy, they know what they want and so do you.
Buyers are looking for a long time investment so you want to touch the Buyers emotional side.  Have them fall in deeply in love with your home before they even hit the front door.  Make sure your curb appeal is immaculate, add a little color with flowers of the season  to your landscaping.........make your home shine. They are thinking about what their monthly expenses will be for the home.  You might want to create a check list of utilities and monthly maintenance expenses for the prospective Buyer.  Live it for the prospective Buyer during the viewing of your home.  Buyers are also thinking about what their inspector will find during the home inspection.  It may be a good idea for you to have a home inspection done before placing your home on the market.  That way you'll know ahead of time what repairs the buyer may ask for.  Consider making repairs to any thing called out on the report as a safety hazard.  By going that extra little mile will help you get your asking price.  Make sure to contact me for any questions that you may have.  I'm always here to serve your real estate needs at (619)368-6382
To view all homes for sale in San Diego, California click on the link: 

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